I am currently...
Thinking about: life and all of the important aspects that go along with it. I am thinking about my last few weeks of my internship and moving on to the next placement. Also thinking about my plans for after graduation. Most importantly, I am thinking about my upcoming plans for this week. It is Thanksgiving this week, and I am going back home to Saginaw to spend the holidays with quite a few people that I love dearly. So I'm thinking hardly about these next few days flying by!
Listening to: quite a few different artists. A group that I have recently gotten into was a recommendation by a friend from work. They are called Tinariwen. There is one song of theirs in particular that I have been listening to on repeat.
Thankful for: the beautiful weather that we've been having these past couple days. It has allowed me to be able to do one of my most favorite things, and that is to go on nature walks with Roxie dog and sometimes my sister Ash and her dog bear. There is nothing better than getting to walk outside with some of your favorite people and having the sun shine in your face. Seriously. Nothing better.
Researching: a way to spend a month or so during my summer. A friend recently told me about this program called Woofing. Woofing stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. You can volunteer at these farms for however long you want and they offer programs in every state and abroad in another country. I am reading up on all of the different farms in the states that I would love to go to. Hopefully after this semester is over, I can start contacting these farms and get some more questions answered.
Loving: my first tattoo. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I went to get an estimate on how much my idea for the tattoo would cost and all of a sudden the girl behind the counter is asking me when I want to schedule my appointment, and I just blurted out a time for a few days following. It's very meaningful and my heart feels a little heavy every time that I look at it. One of the best decisions I have made these past few months, that's for sure.
These next few weeks will be crazy busy, so the silence on the blog will continue on.