Thursday, September 27, 2012

Losing track.

I am losing track of my time. There is so much going on every day that before I know it, I am getting ready for bed to only prepare myself for the next day. I enjoy being busy and am happy that time is moving by kind of quickly, but there are days where I wish things would slow down a little so I could actually enjoy my time and relax a little.

So much has gone on since my last post that there really is no use to try and track back to that trip to Chicago that I went on a few weekends ago or what my life has been like since that day. I can say that I finally have internet at my own place now and can enjoy filling up my free time re-watching Parks & Rec on Netflix.

I am looking forward to a few things coming up in the next few weeks and months. Jon and I are making a trip up north in a couple weekends to enjoy some of the fall colors before they fade away. Fall is my absolute favorite season, and I am looking forward to having a relaxing weekend away to just enjoy each other's company without the stress of everything else going on. I am of course looking forward to Thanksgiving and spending time with family and eating good food. I am also looking forward to the possibility of being able to steal away some me-time and just relax.

I will leave you with a song that I've currently been obsessed with. 

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